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50 free practice questions
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3000+ practice questions for all topics
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3000+ practice questions
Focused practice quizzes on specific topics
Generate unlimited extra questions from any uploaded textbooks and class materials

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Everything you need to ace your exams in 5 simple steps

Happy person
1. Practice for free or upgrade for premium
Upgrade to get 3,000+ practice questions
2. Practice instantly
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4. Generate more questions for weaker topics
Choose the question style and format closest to the exam
5. Generate questions for ANY textbook you upload
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Testimonials from our users
I uploaded my chemistry book, and in no time, I had a comprehensive set of practice questions that mirrored my actual exam. What a game-changer!
Adam S
As a parent of three, every penny counts, and ExamMaker not only helped me ace my CompTIA Security+ exam with practice tests derived from my course materials but also kept my wallet happy.
Jim Y
I didn't have time to wait for shipping on study guides, but this service generated a full set of exam questions immediately. Super cool!
Sandra Y